Lexical MODIS System Upgrading for BMG Jakarta, Indonesia

Lexical Technology Pte Ltd

Your Partner In Remote Sensing Solutions.

Lexical has successfully facilitated BMG Jakarta in the upgrading of their existing MODIS system. BMG’s existing system can only received raw MODIS data and process it to PDS format (Level 0). It is both taxing and time consuming for the meteorologists at BMG to further process and make full use of their MODIS data. BMG wants to focus on their core expertise of weather forecasts and monitoring.

As a full fledge meteorological system integrator, Lexical offered the most ideal solution to their existing problem. The solution had benefited BMG extensively as follows:

1. Capitalize on BMG’s existing system. Lexical minimized the need to replace any parts of BMG’s existing MODIS system that are still in working conditions. This effectively reduces the overall cost BMG has to bear in their upgrade.

2. Integratibility with BMG’s workflow. The MODIS system constitutes only a part of BMG’s overall workflow. Lexical ensured that the upgraded MODIS system can integrate seamlessly with other meteorological systems (be it radar or other satellite systems).

3. Maximize usage of MODIS data. It is imperative that BMG is able to make full use of their MODIS data. This is where the ability to generate advance (level 2) meteorological products from MODIS raw data is very important. Lexical’s leading edge over other competitors is its capability of generating a wide range of complex meteorological products from meteorological satellite raw data.

With all the above in mind, Lexical customized the following MODIS system for BMG.

BMG’s MODIS system can now generate advance (Level 2) meteorological products from raw data ingested. Some examples of the level 2 products generated by Lexical MODIS System:

With the integration of Lexical MODIS system into BMG’s existing MODIS system, BMG is now one of forerunning meteorological stations in Asia.

NDVI of Penisular Malaysia region

Surface Temperature of Indochina region

Lexical SatVisual installed on BMG’s MODIS system

Lexical MODIS System Map for BMG

13 Sep 2006